• 10th October 2022

14th International Congress of Human Genetics, @ICHG2023


Abstract submission deadline extended to 14 October 2022!

Dates: 22 – 26 February 2023, Cape Town, South Africa. Congress theme: “Coming Home” 

The International Scientific Programme Committee invites you to submit an abstract for an oral or poster presentation for the 14th International Congress of Human Genetics. You can choose between in-person and virtual attendance.


  1. Mendelian Phenotypes
  2. Complex Traits & Polygenic Disorders
  3. Evolution & Population Genetics
  4. Precision Medicine, Pharmacogenomics & Genetic Therapies
  5. Prenatal, Perinatal, Reproductive & Developmental Genetics
  6. Molecular Effects of Genetic Variation
  7. Epigenetics & Gene Regulation
  8. Cancer Genetics
  9. Statistical Genetics & Genetic Epidemiology
  10. Bioinformatics & Computational Approaches
  11. Molecular Phenotyping and Omics Technologies
  12. Molecular & Cytogenetic Diagnostics
  13. Genetic Counselling, Education and Health Services Research
  14. Legal Issues & Ethics in Genetics

Click here for more details
